Weekday Activities

Our main Church service is on Sunday Morning at 10:30am. We love to meet new people so please come along. All ages start together upstairs before the younger ones go down for Junior Church and Creche. The meeting lasts for about an hour and a quarter followed by tea and coffee – would you believe that many are still sat round past one o’clock busy chatting with friends! Have a look at the “Coming Up” page for more details.

On Sunday Evenings at 6:30 we meet on Zoom and share YouTube songs as well as discuss a passage from the Bible. It’s a “leftover” from the lockdowns that we’ve continued as it can include those who are unable to meet together physically. Contact us if you would like to know the Meeting ID Number.

On the 3rd Sunday of each month we now have a physical meeting instead of the Zoom one. Usually starts at 5:30pm

Life Groups

Life Groups. We have several groups that meet up for looking at the Bible together and praying for one another. They meet on different days and times, usually fortnightly. Some are in person, some on Zoom, and some a hybrid of the two.

Toddler Group

We run a Toddler Group on Wednesday Mornings 10:00 to 11:30 term time.

Craft Club

Wednesday Evening Craft Club 7:00pm till whenever. (1st and 3rd each month) Join with others at the Church to share ideas and encourage one another. Enjoy tea and coffee. Make friendships – as you also make cards, crochet or whatever else takes your fancy.

Kids’ and Youth Clubs

Wednesday Sunshine Corner AFTER SCHOOL CLUB for the under 8″s. 3:00 to 4:30pm term time.

Thursday Sunshine Corner for Under 8’s in downstairs hall and Fantastics for over 8’s out the back. Both run from 6:00 till 7:15pm term time.

Friday Games Evening at Church for Year 12+ (1st & 3rd Fridays)

Prayer Meeting

On the 1st day of each month is our Whole Church Prayer Meeting at 6:30pm for an hour. Please let us know if you would like us to pray for anything. We do of course pray at other meetings and share prayer information regularly through a WhatsApp group. (Some months we might move it a day earlier or later to avoid weekends/clashes, so best to check if you plan on joining us.)